Branding, Website Design
To create an innitiative that can be incorporated into a local farmers market..
Verge is a health initiative that asks young adults to trade out one ingredient with a locally grown product to encourage them to seek out alternate healthy choices found in their own community. Sometimes the only source of fresh ingredients are farmers markets and they are rarely talked about. One concern was that people were either unaware or do not really know how to incorporate these ingredients into their own lifestyle. Verge is an interactive campaign aimed at tackling those problems. We want people to know that eating healthy does not mean completely rearranging your previous habits. By incorporating one product from a local source into your next meal, you can start a domino effect and slowly introduce your fresh produce.

Verge: Local Food Campaign
Verge is a health initiative that asks young adults to trade out one ingredient with a locally grown product to encourage them to seek out alternate healthy choices found in their own community. Sometimes the only source of fresh ingredients are farmers markets and they are rarely talked about. One concern was that people were either unaware or do not really know how to incorporate these ingredients into their own lifestyle. Verge is an interactive campaign aimed at tackling those problems. We want people to know that eating healthy does not mean completely rearranging your previous habits. By incorporating one product from a local source into your next meal, you can start a domino effect and slowly introduce your fresh produce.
Project Components: Branding, Print Ads, Booklets, App, Posters 2x (11x24in),Environmental Banners and Posters , Website.

Graphic Standards - The logo is completely hand drawn to give the illusion of everything being raw/natural and personal.

Preliminary logo ideas - These ideas kept the natural hand-drawn feel. What was missing was the cohesion that "pre-made" fonts had. The next step was to take a font and manipulate it to see it fit the feel I was going for. I took a couple of fonts and started drawing over them using an iPad on Adobe Draw. That gave it the natural look I was wanting and the structure of their pen tool gave it cohesion of strokes and weight.

The entire Verge campaign is interactive. This campaign targets college students and new families who are just about to establish their lifestyles. Verge uses its own custom app to deliver content right to the consumers hands. All they have to have is an internet connection to access the hundreds of specialized materials available on the app and website.

Verge Environmental Billboard

Farmers Market - Vendor Signage

Magazine Testimonial

Informational Poster

Informational Booklet - "All About Strawberries"

Website Subpage 1

Website Homepage

Website Subpage 2

Verge Logo Alternate

Verge Instagram Profile

Verge Facebook Profile